Rahima Khan, Conservative candidate for Mayor of Newham, wants to make it easier for everyone to access a General Practitioner. Rahima says:
Our National Health Service is under pressure like never before. Despite record funding, demand for our health service has reached a point where in some areas of the borough it feels almost impossible to get a GP appointment even for the most simple of problems.
If elected as Mayor of Newham I will ensure the council does everything it can to relieve pressure on the NHS. I will call to account the Department of Health and Social Care, Barts Health NHS Trust and Newham Clinical Commissioning Group to ensure they are working together for the benefit of residents. I will ensure council officers give support to vulnerable residents before they need to use the NHS. I will promote active and healthy lifestyles for all our residents.
By working together, and supporting our doctors and nurses, we can protect our NHS.
Find out more about Rahima's priorities at Rahima Khan for Mayor of Newham.