Rahima Khan, Conservative candidate for Mayor of Newham, speaks out about the housing crisis. Rahima says:
Scarcely a day goes by without the news covering the housing crisis and in Newham this has been felt by those who need it most – young families.
If elected Mayor I will not shy away from the housing crisis. I will speed up the planning process and will not allow developers to sit on land without building on it.
For many in Newham, access to quality affordable housing is becoming more and more difficult. There are tens of thousands of people waiting for social housing, almost half of the borough's housing stock is now privately rented and 4,500 households are living in temporary accommodation with little chance of a finding a permanent home.
It is important to tackle the poor delivery of new housing supply, work intelligently to prevent homelessness before it occurs and create a private rented market that is not substandard.
Find out more about Rahima's priorities at Rahima Khan for Mayor of Newham.