Rahima Khan, Conservative candidate for Mayor of Newham, wants to improve the borough's recycling record. Rahima says:
All-Labour Newham has the worst recycling rate in England and it's getting worse. In the last five years it has fallen by a third. We must find better ways to recycle and save our planet from waste pollution.
The current recycling rules are confusing and complicated, resulting in much unnecessary spoilage and waste. Simplifying them to better meet expectations, starting with better and clearer rules for the disposal of glass and juice cartons, will do much to begin improvements. Food waste schemes have been successful in other boroughs and a Conservative Mayor and Council will seek to adapt them to meet Newham's specific needs, using incentives to boost best practice.
Above all, information must be clear and facilities easily accessible. If elected Mayor I will tear down the obstacles and make our borough an easier place to recycle in.
Find out more about Rahima's priorities at Rahima Khan for Mayor of Newham.